Children's Book Reviews

Book Title:
Young Sherlock: Night Break
Book Author:
Andy Lane
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
The Young Sherlock series is a series that has been out there for a while now. It is an ok series. Night break is the last book of the series. There are eight books in the series. The other books are Death cloud, Red leech, Black ice, Fire storm, Snake bite, Knife edge and Stone cold. As you might have already guessed are about a boy named Sherlock.
The story starts with Sherlock’s brother, Mycroft coming over to report the bad news that their mother died. They hopped in a cart a rode a long way to the old manor that Mycroft lived in. A few days later which I will not talk about because they are more adapting to where they are than anything else Sherlock was talking to his sister and she said that every night she sees faceless men outside her window. The night after, Sherlock found out that she was not seeing things the reason he thought this was because she was in a very fragile mental state and half the time she was in a world of her own. The men broke into their house but stole nothing. The day after that (they got away) Sherlock and his brother went to talk to his sister’s love. He got trapped by his decorators. They were the same people who broke into Mycroft’s manor. They were after a letter. That letter told them about some people who were trying to sabotage the making of the Suez Canal. Sherlock went there and stopped them he had to stop a supply of oil from lighten by Greek fire. He had to sword fight against a man named Rufus Stone. Sherlock knew him since he was born. They were best friends. He needed help to beat him so he called in the person who taught him sword fighting. It turned out that Mycroft was one of the people trying to sabotage the canal.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Young Knights of The Round Table
Book Author:
Julia Golding
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
Young Knights of the Round Table is a tale that doesn’t match the title that much but would match the next book a bit more. I have not read the next book in the series yet but it tells you what the next book is about. This report will not tell you about the other book in the series.
This story starts in a magic school named Dark Lore at the dimension named Avalon. Rick and all the other changelings. Changeling is the name given to abandoned children rescue the centuries.
They were combat training when some type of magic destroyed the place. That started a quest to destroy the new round table. At Dark Lore they were taught that humans were the enemy. While at Earth they find out that humans are not the enemy. They also found out that the Fey (the Fey are the magic people who live in Avalon) had been stealing them from their parents. They keep it a secret from the Fey because the king would burn him with a dragon.
They go to a human school while at Earth. They found the person who was destroying Avalon. By this time they wanted to overthrow the king. He was trying to take over Earth to overthrow the king. They thought they wanted to join him until they found out that. He was going to send nine armies into the human world. They stopped him at the last second.
I have to say that this book kept on making me feel like something bad is going to happen but they find a way out. I loved this book probably more than the other books I did a report on. FIVE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
One Dog And His Boy
Book Author:
Eva Ibbotson
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
One dog and his boy is a book about a boy named Hal who has always wanted a dog. His parents would not let him have a dog because they were too messy.

It was Hal’s birthday; he had a party and stuff. At night when his dad woke him up he told him they were getting a dog but that was only the half-truth. They were only getting the dog for the weekend.
He enjoyed the time being but when the dog which was named Fleck left he was extremely sad. One night he stole Fleck but the keeper’s sister felt bad for so she let them go too.
They had to go a long way to Hal’s grandparents. They went to Hal’s grandparents because as I said earlier his parents wouldn’t let him have a dog. They were chased by tracker dogs and stuff like that. But they made it safely to his grandparents.
I loved that book and recommend you read it!!!FIVE STARS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
The Boy In The Tower
Book Author:
Polly Ho-Yen
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
The boy in the tower is a story about a type of plant called bluchers. They like to feed on bricks and concrete and stuff like that. They make buildings fall and kill people in seconds using microscopic things called spores.

It all started on normal day. Some buildings started falling down. It took a while to find the bluchers. On the news they tried to burn the bluchers but they were fireproof. Oh, I just realised something I haven’t told you the main character’s name, his name is Ade. His name was going to be Adeola but there was already a chid named Adeola.
Ade’s mum will be called mum throughout the story. She would not leave her flat. One day Ade came home from school to see his mom crying. She was badly hurt. After that she refused to go outside the flat.
They live in an apartment in London on the seventeenth floor.
Because his mom wouldn’t leave the flat they couldn’t move away from the bluchers.
One day Ade found some other people in the apartment. They stayed together. Ade’s mother got her courage and got out of the flat to meet the people. After a while a rescue helicopter comes to save them.
I will let you find out how their building didn’t fall. This book was FIVE STARS!!!!!!!!!! It was easy to rate. RECOMMEND YOU READ IT 100%.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Who Was Albert Einstein
Book Author:
Jess M. Bralier
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
This report will be a timeline of Albert Einstein’s life. I will only put major things in it like his birth and death. Albert was a great man is a sentence that is not even close to saying how great he was. Hope you enjoy the timeline.

1879-Albert is born.
1881-Albert’s sister is born.
1889-Albert starts high school
1894-Albert’s family moves to Italy, leaving him to finish school in Germany.
1899-Albert decides to become a Swiss citizen.
1900- Albert graduates from college.
1902-Albert gets a job at the Patent Office.
1903- Albert marries Mileva Maric.
1905- Albert introduces his theory of relativity.
1909- Albert becomes a professor at the University of Zurich.
1914-Albert leaves Mileva and his sons and moves to Berlin, Germany. Albert must wait to prove his theory that light bends.
1919- Albert marries Elsa. Albert proves his theory that light bends.
1921- Albert visits the United States.
1922- Albert wins the Nobel Prize for Physics.
1931- Albert is declared a spy; Hitler puts a death warrant for him.
1933- Albert and Elsa move to Princeton New Jersey.
1936- Death of Elsa.
1940- Albert becomes a U.S. citizen.
1940-Death of Mileva.
1951- Albert’s sister, Maja died.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Fish Boy
Book Author:
Chloe Daykin
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
This story is about a boy named Billy. He gets bullied by a boy named James and his gang (they joined in fear of getting bullied). He swims nearly every single day. One day a new boy came and stopped the bullying for a few days. Soon after, they became friends. A few days after on one swimming trip. A talking mackerel said Kezdodik.

The next day Billy came to Patrick’s house. He told Patrick about the fish and then felt stupid so he ran out of the house. The next day at school he tried to stay away from Patrick but Patrick caught up to him. He told Billy that believed him and Billy was very relieved. He told Billy that the fish was talking Hungarian. When Billy asked where did the fish learn Hungarian, he said that fish travel. He also said that it was a code and that the other piece of the code is Kesz.
So the next day he went swimming again and the fish came, he said the code and they swam. Billy didn’t need to go up for air since if he touched the fish he got the power to breathe underwater. Billy had lots of fun every time he visited the fish but one day they wanted Billy to stay with them and tried to drown Patrick as he couldn’t swim. Patrick got out alive.
I loved the book and recommend it.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Ophelia and The Marvelous Boy
Book Author:
Karen Foxlee
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
Ophelia and the Marvellous Boy is a story based on the fairy tale, Snow Queen. It is about the same thing, killing the Snow Queen. The difference is the way they do it.
Ophelia and her family are going to a museum because her father has a special job. The reason he got the job was because he was a sword expert. Ophelia finds a room of stone angels and then found a grey door. She went inside to a sea monster mosaic which had another door. She peeked through the keyhole and found another eye staring at her she fell with surprise. The eye belonged to a boy. The boy asked her to help him.
She had to go to the seventh floor carefully without waking up the misery birds, get a key and bring it to him. Next she had to open a box with the key to get another key on the sixth floor. She opened the door with that key.
They were running around the museum to try find a sword that Ophelia was supposed to wield to defeat the snow queen. The boy gets caught; she tries to find him but cannot until the keeper of the boy who was a very nice man at heart but not on the outside tells her where he is. On the way her father gives it to her, not knowing what power it wields. The sword was also very heavy to anyone except from her. The boy was underneath some snow. She fought the snow queen and won
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Grandpa's Great Escape
Book Author:
David Walliams
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
Grandpa’s great escape is a tale about a young boy with a grandpa that was in World War 2 with his legendary spitfire. Grandpa told him stories and one day because of his old age he thought he was in World War 2. They have many adventures including: breaking out of an old folk home which was actually ruled by an evil woman who hired men as nurses and changed their will so she can get the money, breaking in to a museum to get a spitfire and breaking down the wall with a tank, flying with it over restricted air space and had to be shut down, everyone in the town attended the funeral but the boy knew grandpa’s body was not in the coffin as his body had never been found, that night when he was getting ready for bed grandpa flew beside his window. When the boy grew up he had lots of stories to tell his children. I loved the book and recommend that you read it!
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
The chocolate factory ghost
Book Author:
David O'Connel
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
The chocolate factory ghost is a tale about a boy who finds out that he is related to the world’s best sweet maker and goes on a journey. He is brought to a place where he finds out he is related to the chocolate maker finds out he has inherited all the chocolate makers earthly possessions then, meets a lady that would soon be his enemy. He is given a private note to read. He explores the place he is in and finds a greenhouse with all sorts of strange plants. He read the note, which tells him about a quest that he has to complete. It includes six parts and the seventh part is the journey to the treasure. (I will only tell you about the journey to the seventh part) He only noticed that a girl was hanging from one of the branches from one of the trees after he finished the note and she talked. The next day the girl called a magic expert since that place was full of magic and everyone living there knew there was something strange in that place. Oh and remember that place he was brought to, that place it is called Honeystone Hall and he owns that place now. One day when they had found most of the items that they found after each part of the quest a gargantuar attacked the letter and ripped it and got a spare one. They got to the island a few days later and found dragons that showed them the secret ingredient to the famous fudge they make in the factory as it was missing. I loved the book and recommend that you read it!!!!!!!!!

Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
The magic finger
Book Author:
Roald dahl
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
The magic finger is an exciting tale about a little girl. Whenever she gets angry her finger turns red and she touches the person who made her angry with her hot electric zap that comes out of her finger and strange things start to happen to them. Like the time her teacher gave out to her for not being able to spell a word and called her stupid, she touched her teacher with her zap and she grew giant whiskers out of her face and she grew a huge bushy tail. She used it against the Gregg family because they were hunting just for the joy of it. They were hunting for ducks, that’s when she put the magic finger on them, they turned into ducks, four ducks turned to the size of men and took over the house and the Greggs had to make a nest for the night. The next day the ducks came out with the guns and the Greggs had to swear not to hunt anymore so they did, they turned back and they worshipped the ducks like god.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Book Author:
David Walliams
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
Demon dentist is a tale about a poor boy and his dad. There is also a demon dentist named Miss Root but I’ll get to that later. The boy is named Alfie. Alfie hates the dentist. He started hating the dentist after an incident that had occurred. It was a simple case of toothache but it ended up in disaster. The dentist was an ancient man named Mr Erstwhile. Despite his good intentions, Mr Erstwhile should have retired many years ago. The dentist looked like a tortoise, an old tortoise at that. The dentist yanked and yanked but the tooth he brought to the dentist to take a look at wouldn’t come out so he called for help. He needed more help so everyone in the waiting room came and helped. After a while the tooth shattered but the pain from the toothache was still there. The dentist took out the wrong tooth!
I’m finished that story so I’ll tell you about the story that the book is actually about. Alfie’s school was introduced to Miss Root. She brought sweets that appeared to be sugar-free sweets but were actually packed with sugar.
The next day everyone who had some sweets had toothaches luckily Alfie and a girl (I won’t tell you much about her because that would be spoiling the book) never ate any of the sweets so they didn’t have toothaches. To make it worse for Alfie a social worker came to his house and planned a meeting for the dentist with his dad. Winnie was the name of the social worker. He was supposed to meet up with Winne at 1:30pm. Instead he started a big chase at school. They kept on chasing him that by accident while looking for a place to hide he went into the dentist’s office.
He got all his teeth removed and had to wear fake teeth. A few days after the girl was about to experience that fate too but Alfie stopped the dentist and they got caught. They nearly got their skin melted off them but Winnie and Alfie’s dad rescued them. Alfie’s dad died because of the coal dust from the mine they were in. Winnie adopted Alfie and got married.
I loved this book and recommend it if you’re bored since it makes you more excited every page (I would not recommend it for a bedtime story or reading it before you go to bed).
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Book Author:
Frank. C. Boyce
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I would recommend this to my friends because the author came up with loads of wacky stuff which made the book funnier.
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Skullduggery Pleasure
Book Author:
Derek Landy
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I really liked the skullduggery pleasant books because they were full of mystery and comedy
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Rabbit and Bear - A Bite in the Night.
Book Author:
Julian Crough & Jim Field
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
This book is amazing and you will not want to leave this down for a second.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Naughty Amelia Jane
Book Author:
Enid Blyton
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
You will love this book. It full of fun and very entertaining.
Amelia gets up to a lot of mischief - she is very naughty.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant