Children's Book Reviews

Book Title:
Time travelling with a hamster
Book Author:
Ross Welford
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
Time travelling with a hamster is one of the best books I have ever read. Al’s dad died when he was young but Al has a chance to prevent his dads life but to do so he must travel back to the 1984. But in doing so he just makes things worse. I definitely recommend this book to everyone who wants to read it.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Time travelling with a hamster
Book Author:
Ross Welford
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
This book was amazing and sad all the same.I laughed gasped and wondered throughout the whole book.I would defiantly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read it.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Book Author:
Eloise Williams
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I'd recommend this book to children who like mystery. It's about a girl named Wilde who moves to a new village called Witch Point with her sister Mae, but everything is not what it seems when Wilde starts waking up in strange places such as the roof and when her best friend Dorcas says Wilde has been flying in the middle of the night! Soon after, she realises something unexpected about herself while also uncovering the truth about a famous witch who was said to have haunted the village years ago...
Star Rating:
= Réasúnta
Book Title:
Amelia fang and the lost yeti treshers
Book Author:
Lure Ellen Anderson
Age Group For This Book:
Age 7-9
Review From:
I really like this book because Amelia Fang is at Yeti mountain but Yeti stuff go missing! Amelia has to find out where the Yetis stuff have gone! It is so good you should get it I recommend it for 6-8 enjoyed reading the book💗
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Book Author:
Frank. C. Boyce
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I would recommend this to my friends because the author came up with loads of wacky stuff which made the book funnier.
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Skullduggery Pleasure
Book Author:
Derek Landy
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I really liked the skullduggery pleasant books because they were full of mystery and comedy
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
The dark flood rises
Book Author:
Margret brabble
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
so this book is about ld age, its for adults but I like adult books do you should check it out I think its really funny tragic and and up lifting.
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Book Author:
Nigel Parkinson
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
It's a comic book I really like reading it
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Mr Stink
Book Author:
David Walliams
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
Mr Stink by David Walliams is a very good book - from the kindness of Chloe letting Mr stink live in her shed to the stinkiest of Mr Stink. Overall, I loved this book. I would definitely recommend it.
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
The Hobbit
Book Author:
J.R.R. Tolkien
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
Really Good 🤩😆💖
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Grandpa’s Great Escape
Book Author:
David Walliams
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I thought this was a great book! I would recommend it if you like funny and adventure books. So, Grandpa thinks he is still in WW2, and his grandson, Jack(I think) has to pretend he is a Squadron Leader! Grandpa escapes to the museum and climbs into the Spitfire plane. Then, Jack and his Grandpa, fly the plane and the Queen of England sends some people with planes after them. You have to read it to really get the story.
Star Rating:
= Really Good
Book Title:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Book Author:
JK Rowling
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I thought this was a excellent book! I usually read before bed so I always end up going to bed late. Basically, once you start reading it, you literally can’t put it down for at least half an hour!
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Diary of a wimpy kid: The Meltdown
Book Author:
Jeff Kinney
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I really liked this book because it's very funny.I completely recommend this book.Enjoy!
Star Rating:
= Brilliant
Book Title:
Lily at Lissadell
Book Author:
Judi Curtin
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
I thought this book was great.It is inspiring and factual.I would personaly reccomend this to 8 to 11 year olds.
Star Rating:
= Réasúnta
Book Title:
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
Book Author:
J.k Rowling
Age Group For This Book:
Age 10-12
Review From:
It’s about a boy called Harry Potter his friends Ron weasley and hermione granger sneak out of hogwarts because they sudenly receive a calling from sirius black that Voldemort was going to strike an attack but Harry is the son of lily and James so he defeats Voldemort and puts him back into hiding but not for long
Star Rating:
= Brilliant