Join your library
Membership of all public libraries is free for everyone. You can join at any age.
Joining your library
Public library membership is completely free of charge for everyone in Ireland.
You can join at any age but children and young people under the age of 18 must get the permission of a parent or guardian to join the library. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children in the library, and for their children’s selections and use of library materials and services, including access to the internet and online resources.
Joining the library gives you access to lots of great services – find out more about our services here.
How do I join?
To join the library, you need to complete an application form. You can do this online or in person at the library.
If you fill out the form online, you need to visit a library and produce photographic identification (who you are) and proof of current address (where you live) to finalise your membership and get your library card.
When you join the library, you will get a library card and a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
You will need your library card to borrow items and you will need your PIN to use PCs, online services and reserve and renew items online.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your PIN is not shared with anyone else, written on your library card or stored anywhere that would compromise the safety of your PIN.
Children and young people under the age of 18 must have the permission of a parent/guardian to join the library and a parent/guardian must accept the terms and conditions of membership on their behalf.
When a child or young person is eligible to change borrower category from a Child membership to a Young Adult (12-14), or a Young Adult (12-14) to a Young Adult (15-17) membership, parents/guardians must accept the terms and conditions of membership on their behalf.
How long does my membership last?
Your library membership lasts for one year. You can renew your membership by contacting your local library or through your online account.
What services can I access?
Library membership allows you to use library services as follows:
Adult Members
Adult members can access all library collections, services and can use the internet*.
Young Adult (15-17)
Members aged 15-17 can access all library collections, DVDs up to 15 rating, and can use the internet*.
Young Adult (12-14)
Members aged 12 – 14 can access the children’s and young adult collections, DVDs up to a 12 rating, and can use children’s internet services.*
Children (under 12)
Members aged under 12 can access the children’s library, DVDs up to a PG rating, and children’s internet services.*
* Internet access is subject to the library’s internet access policy and may vary according to the library you are using – please check with your local library.
What other conditions do I have to follow?
Your library card is individual to you and may not be used by anyone else.
Bring your card to the library every time you visit.
You are asked to advise library staff as soon as possible of any changes in your membership details or if you lose your library card.
You must at all times observe your library‘s code of conduct while using the library facilities and comply with the conditions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000.